Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Israel's 61th Birthday


Since last night, Israel is celebrating its 61th birthday (Independence - Yom HaAtzma'ut). The haredi population doesn't always acknowledge this day as a holiday and just goes on with business as usual. The national religious as well as the secular, however, celebrate without end.

The Mizrachistim had two big events in Jerusalem last night. There were great synagogue services at Mercaz HaRav and at the Great Synagogue. The secular usually have big parties together with pop music concerts.

I went for a Shiur (class) at my Rabbi's home and he celebrated as well. Emphazising what a great accomplishment the State of Israel is even if Meshiach has not yet arrived. However, Rabbi Mordechai Machlis sees the present State of Israel as a corridor to the times of Meshiach.

If anyone is in Jerusalem: The Israel Museum will be for free today. I am going later on and who am I going to meet there ? Mea Shearim.

Usually a visit at the museum is very expensive and haredi families cannot really afford it due to all their children. On Yom HaAtzma'ut, when the visit is free of charge, all of them are storming in. But only looking at the religious section and not at "immodest" paintings.

"Chag Sameach" to all those celebrating Yom HaAtzma'ut !

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