Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sikarikim


Not only at the time of the Second Temple, the Sikarikim made headlines. Even today they are having a real revival in Mea Shearim.
For all those who have never heard about them: 2000 years ago, the Sikarikim were a Jewish radical group fighting the Romans and even other Jews who supported the Roman occupation.

Nowadays there are a few of them in the ultra - orthodox neighbourhood Mea Shearim in Jerusalem. Only very few people know their identity.
Last October they were accused of throwing bleach onto chassidic modestly dressed women walking around in the Ge'ulah / Mea Shearim neighbourhood. The attacks were not against the women themselves but rather a demonstration against the so - called immodest clothing stores in the hood. The very ultra - orthodox consider clothing stores where men and women can enter together as immodest. Certain stores received warnings that they should only allow either men or women into the store. However, shops which did not take the warnings too seriously were burned down.

After a few months of peace, the Sikarikim took more action last week. They stoned the deputy mayors' car in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood. The deputy mayor went to the Police but, so far, no one got arrested.

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